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Blueberry Chocolate and Natural Root Beer Float Are Winning Recipes in the Oak Park Dentistry for Children’s Ultimate Toothpaste Flavor Recipe Contest
Brushing your teeth would be a delicious experience if toothpaste manufacturers took the advice of Oak Park Dentistry for Children’s winning recipes for new toothpaste flavors. The winning recipes were submitted by five-year-old Anna who created Blueberry Chocolate and Katherine, age 11, who mixed up Natural Root Beer Float.
Winning recipes:
- Anna’s Blueberry Chocolate – Ingredients: Blueberries, grapes and chocolate. Along with baking soda, fake sugar and fluoride. Grind the blueberries, grapes and chocolate, then add all ingredients and mix well.
- Katherine’s Natural Root Beer Float – Ingredients: Baking soda, natural root beer-flavored extract, natural vanilla extract, water, and natural food coloring. Mix all ingredients together.
- 20 mg orange flavoring
- 20 mg strawberry flavoring
- 20 mg lime flavoring
- 20 mg kelp flavoring
- 20 mg fluoride
- 1 cup melted chocolate chips
- 1/8 cup milk
- Pinch of salt
- Pinch of baking soda
- Root beer flavoring
- Vanilla ice cream flavor
- Sodium fluoride
- 1 cup of sugar free gelatin
- 2 oz. sugar free limeade
- 2 Tbs. baking soda
- 1 cup vanilla yogurt
- 7 oz. fluoride
- 1 cup cream
- A dash of red bits of spice
- 1 cup strawberry paste “sugar free”
- 1 cherry flavoring
- 5 strawberries
- 3 lemons
- 3 pinches magic dust
- 1 cup chocolate chips
- 2-3 scoops cookie dough ice cream
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 Tbs. fluoride
- 5 squeezes of lemon
- 10 squeezes of lime
- Little sour clusters
- Baking soda
- Brown food coloring
- 1/4 Superman strawberries
- 1/4 Ironman mangos
- 1/2 Batman blueberry
- 1/4 Spiderman sparkles
- 2 drops of chocolate fudge
- 3 marshmallows
- A little bit of bubble gum
Personalized Coloring Book
Your child will love having their own personalized coloring book from the dentist, and they can use it for years to come or you can preserve it in their scrapbook or baby book. It is fun and easy to use, try it yourself by clicking on one of the coloring books below.
Boy Coloring Book | Girl Coloring Book
Motivational Charts
Your child will enjoy healthy dental habits when they use these Motivational Charts.
Activity Sheets
Want something fun to do? Print one or all of the below Activity Sheets to see if you can conquer the Dental Crossword Puzzle, find all of the Hidden Toothbrushes, Unscramble the Dental Words, or find the Hidden Dental Words. We know you can do it!
For a printer friendly version of any Activity Sheet, click the title or picture below.
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